Kolibri Games: Flying even higher

September 17, 2021


“Making Games spoke with Guillaume ­Verlinden about where the ­journey with Kolibri Games is headed.”

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Optimizing games for millions of gamers with just a small team Kolibri Games seizes on the cloud

September 1, 2021


“When it comes to building that into the weekly schedule, speed is the name of the game, which is why the company has used the Microsoft Azure cloud platform to develop and update its products since the day it was founded.”

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Kolibri Games: Guillaume Verlinden ist neuer Managing Director

May 17, 2021


“Nach dem Rückzug des Gründer-Teams übernimmt Guillaume Verlinden die Aufgabe des Managing Directors beim Berliner Mobilegames-Studio Kolibri Games.”

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Nate Barker on Idle Firefighters and the future of live ops

May 14, 2021


“On this week’s Faces being the Fun, I had the pleasure of sitting down with Nate Barker, Director of Business Development at Kolibri.”

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Was hat Kolibri-Games-Gründer Daniel Stammler nach dem Mega-Exit an Ubisoft vor?

May 10, 2021


“Das Mobile Game “Idle Miner Tycoon” ist ein globaler Erfolg – und die Gründer heute 120 Millionen Euro schwer”

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Episode 14: Maximise ROI on Ad Monetization With Kolibri Games

March 23, 2021


“In this episode of The Mobile GameDev Playbook, we discuss the common struggles game developers face when monetizing their games and provide some top tips to ensure optimal ROI on mobile gaming ad monetization.”

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Die Kolibri Games Story – Daniel Stammler, Janosch Sadowski | Gründerstories

February 4, 2021


“Wie fängt man eigentlich an eine App zu bauen, die später +100 Millionen User haben wird? Wo lernt man seine Mitgründer kennen und wie viele Projekte stellt man zwischenzeitlich ein?”

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Das nächste Level

January 1, 2021


“Ganz ohne Geld von Risikokapitalgebern legte das Gamingstudio Kolibri Games eine ordentliche Wachstumsgeschichte hin: 150 Millionen Downloads, etwa zehn Millionen monatlich aktive Spieler, 38 Millionen € Umsatz.”

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Why Kolibri Games favours the games-as-a-service approach with Idle Restaurant Tycoon

December 17, 2020


“If at any point during this process, the game does not meet our requirements, we stop development”

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Kolibri Games hires Paul Le Bas as its new VP of marketing

December 2, 2020


“Berlin-based mobile games firm Kolibri Games has hired Paul Le Bas to be its new vice president of marketing.”

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Tech.eu Podcast — Interview Special: Daniel Farkas (Drops) and Janosch Sadowski (Kolibri)

November 10, 2020


“This time, Tech.eu’s founding editor Robin Wauters talked to two entrepreneurs who founded very different ventures — the language-learning startup Drops and the gaming company Kolibri Games, which was acquired by Ubisoft earlier this year.”

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Kolibri Games: “Am Ende kommt es darauf an, den Value auf die Straße zu bringen”

October 14, 2020


“Gegründet wurde Kolibri Games im Februar 2016 in einer Studenten-WG in Karlsruhe. Mit erfolgreichen Spiele-Apps wie “Idle Miner Tycoon” machte sich die Firma schnell einen Namen im Mobile-Gaming-Markt.”

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Kolibri Games is expanding with a new studio in Romania

August 19, 2020


“We truly believe in the potential of Idle Miner Tycoon and are excited to start working on entirely new titles that will expand the universe”

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Daniel Stammler, CEO and Co-Founder of Kolibri Games – Interview Series

July 20, 2020


“Kolibri Games was initially launched without external financing by a group of students. Could you tell us more about the company’s early days?”

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Episode #3: Abbie Dickinson & Marina Ivanović at Kolibri Games

May 13, 2020

The Games Jobs Direct Podcast:

“In this episode our Marketing Manager, Abbie Dickinson sat down with Marina Ivanović, Head of Recruitment at Berlin-based Kolibri Games.”

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Remote Working: How Kolibri Games’ Sebastian Reuther is dealing with QA from home

May 5, 2020


“This week we spoke with Kolibri Games QA lead Sebastian Reuther.”

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Kolibri Games spendet High-End-Geräte an Bildungsinitiative

April 6, 2020


“Homeschooling soll für alle funktionieren. Deshalb unterstützt Kolibri Games die Organisation Quinoa Bildung mit einer Spende in Form von Laptops und Tablets.”

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Jobs in Games: Kolibri’s Chris Ling on how data can impact a game’s development

February 25, 2020


“This week we spoke with Kolibri Games head of game data Chris Ling.”

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Ubisoft acquires a 75% share of Kolibri Games

February 12, 2020


“Ubisoft has announced the acquisition of Kolibri Games, a mobile game company that develops and publishes free-to-play idle games. Ubisoft acquired a 75 percent share in Kolibri January 31 with plans for its stake to increase to 100 percent over the next several years.”

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38 Millionen Umsatz und kein Abschwung in Sicht

February 26, 2019


“Porträt. In einem Berliner Hochhaus entwickelt das Startup Kolibri Smartphone-Spiele – und begeistert damit Millionen Nutzer. Und es geht noch viel mehr, sagen die Gründer.”

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Kolibri Games ranks number one among Technology Fast 50’s “Rising Stars” – Germany’s fastest growing tech companies

February 3, 2019

With a growth rate of 2.282,45 percent the mobile games startup secures a spot in the “Rising Stars” category of 2018’s Deloitte Technology Fast 50.

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Kolibri Games ist Teil der Red Herring Top 100

January 31, 2019


“Kolibri Games, die bis vor kurzem noch unter dem Namen Fluffy Fairy Games agierten, sind Teil der Top 100 der der diesjährigen Red Herring Global Awards.”

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Fluffy Fairy Games Rebrands to Kolibri Games

January 31, 2019


“Berlin/Germany, October 22, 2018 | In their exceptionally successful third year, Berlin-based games company Fluffy Fairy Games takes another step forward by rebranding to Kolibri Games, effective as of today. “

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Fluffy Fairy Games: Heidenheimer machen mit Handy-Spiel Millionen

January 31, 2019

Heidenheimer Zeitung:

“Die Erfolgsgeschichte findet ihre Fortsetzung in Berlin. Seit Anfang des Jahres findet man dort das Software-Unternehmen „Fluffy Fairy Games“, welches im Frühjahr 2016 von vier Heidenheimern und einem Stuttgarter in einem WG-Wohnzimmer in Karlsruhe gegründet wurde. Seither geht es steil bergauf.”

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Start-up „Fluffy Fairy Games“ macht Millionen-Umsätze

January 31, 2019


“Angefangen haben sie in einer Drei-Zimmer-Wohnung, mittlerweile setzen sie täglich 100 000 Euro um. Die fünf ehemaligen KIT-Studenten Janosch Sadowski, Daniel Stammler, Sebastian Karasek, Tim Reiter und Oliver Löffler sind mit ihrer Firma „Fluffy Fairy Games“ praktisch aus dem Nichts durchgestartet. „Wir wollten was Cooles bauen, das Millionen begeistert“, sagt Janosch Sadowski.”

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Glück auf, ihr Gamer!

January 31, 2019


“Gegründet in Karlsruhe – das Ziel: Berlin. Mit 10 Millionen Spielern pro Tag ist “Fluffy Fairy Games” bei den Großen angekommen.”

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Auswertung: Das sind die 25 gefragtesten deutschen Start-ups

September 24, 2018


“Welche Start-ups sind für Arbeitnehmer besonders interessant? Das hat das Karrierenetzwerk LinkedIn anhand der Interaktionen seiner Mitglieder untersucht.”

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Fluffy Fairy Games hits 50 million downloads

August 10, 2018


“Idle Miner Tycoon contributed 45 million downloads for the German developer”

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100.000 Euro verdient dieses Startup pro Tag – und braucht keine Investoren

July 5, 2018


“Millionen Downloads und profitables Umsatzwachstum: Fluffy Fairy Games ist der neue deutsche Spiele-Hoffnungsträger und hat Erfolg ohne fremdes Geld.”

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GamesWirtschaft Studiotour Episode 9: Fluffy Fairy Games – Berlin

April 30, 2018


“Wenn man die Zahl der Stockwerke als Maßstab nimmt, ist Fluffy Fairy Games (“Idle Miner Tycoon”) bereits fast ganz oben angelangt: Vor wenigen Wochen haben die Appstore-Senkrechtstarter neue Büros im Berliner Postbank-Hochhaus bezogen – Folge 9 der GamesWirtschaft-Studiotour.”

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Fluffy Fairy Games and TreasureHunt named Europe’s hottest games start-ups in Red Herring Top 100

April 19, 2018


“Mobile games studios Fluffy Fairy Games and Treasure Hunt have made Red Herring’s Top 100 Europe list for 2018 ranking the most exciting start-ups in the region.”

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Red Herring Europe Award 2018: Fluffy Fairy Games ausgezeichnet

April 19, 2018


“Das eben erst bezogene Büro in Berlin wird schon wieder zu klein: Das 2016 gegründete Mobilegames-Studio Fluffy Fairy Games (‘Idle Miner Tycoon’) wächst in rasantem Tempo. Jüngster Beleg: Das Startup wurde mit dem Red Herring Europe Award 2018 ausgezeichnet.”

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The Future Of Idle Games – Fluffy Fairy Games Interview

April 16, 2018

Game Analytics:

“Ahead of the release of Idle Factory Tycoon, I spoke to Nate Barker, Director of Business Development at Fluffy Fairy Games, about the history of the studio, what makes the genre of Idle Games so appealing, and the company’s future aspirations of becoming the Supercell of the genre.”

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Keep on shipping: How Fluffy Fairy Games updated its game 50 times in a year

April 6, 2018


“With over 70 updates to its game Idle Miner Tycoon since it launched in 2016, Fluffy Fairy Games is averaging almost one update a week. Founder and CTO Oliver Löffler explains the challenges and advantages of this iterative approach to development.”

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Fluffy Fairy Games: “People from the industry told us it doesn’t work this way”

April 3, 2018


“With Idle Miner Tycoon, the German startup ignored best practices on monetisation and minimum viable product – and created a ~120k a day mobile hit”

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Fluffy Fairy Games: Umzug nach Berlin abgeschlossen

February 20, 2018


“Es kommt eher selten vor, dass ganze Unternehmen ihren Firmensitz mitsamt aller Mitarbeiter ans andere Ende der Republik verlegen. Im Falle des Mobilegames-Startups Fluffy Fairy Games (‘Idle Miner Tycoon’) ist genau das passiert: Die Karlsruher haben neue Büros in Berlin bezogen.”

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Mobilegames Top 10: Die erfolgreichsten deutschen Studios

October 6, 2017


“Welche deutschen Mobilegames-Entwickler sind in den weltweiten Appstores am erfolgreichsten? Die exklusive Auswertung zeigt die Spitzenreiter im ersten Halbjahr 2017.”

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Ask the Developer: Fluffy Fairy Games on the importance of community

October 2, 2017


“AppLovin is a global brand and platform, which means we have the opportunity to work with developers from different markets all around the world. In our Ask the Developer series, we speak with developers to learn their strategies, best practices, and expert insights.”

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Publisher Spotlight: Fluffy Fairy Games

September 29, 2017

Ad Colony:

“Not every mobile game company follows their dreams from the get-go, and not every app is a success. Sometimes though, the stars align and a company turns a moment of disappointment into a huge opportunity and sometimes that opportunity spawns a winner. Just ask German publisher Fluffy Fairy Games.”

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